QUUR is my graduation project at Rubika Supinfogame. My team consisted of 7 students, including 3 artists.
The world of QUUR revolves around ink, and you play as a strange being that can control it at will. Your travel takes you through a forest full of colors, strange creatures and rivers of ink. The game can be completed by fighting against the forest or by passing through it peacefully, and depending on your actions you will get a different ending.
I was responsible for creating concept art of the environment and the creatures, modeling/texturing the creatures, rigging and animating the creatures, and animating the main character.
Concept Art
The world of QUUR has 2 distinct environments: the forest, which is full of ink, and the fields which are devoid of it. The forest is dense and has tall trees of dark shades and streams of vivid orange ink. The trees and plants have bulbous and intertwined shapes. On the opposite, the fields are barren and have no end in sight, they are almost pure white with the occasional oases of ink. Just running through the white grass will suck the ink out of any creature little by little.
Creature Design
I designed 3 creatures based on the concept of ink. The first one, the hunter, lives in the forest and has pockets of ink on its neck that change color depending on its mood. The second one, the spitter, is a blobbish creature full of ink that can spit ink out like a squid. The third one, the stalker, lives in the white prairie and hides in the tall grass. It lures its prey with its tail before jumping on it.
I animated the hunter and the spitter as well as the main character. The main goal for the creature animation was to make them endearing, to try and make the player feel guilty when fighting against them.
Poster Design
I designed the posters for the game. These were printed and hung in our school during our graduation jury.
Some gifs!
The creatures of QUUR after death. The hunter and spitter lose their ink as they die, while the stalker gets intoxicated by it which leads to its death.